Thursday, February 09, 2006

View from Needles Hwy, S.D.

Playing with Paint Editor.

from Needles Hwy in South Dakota


jungle jane said...

waygon, would you like to paint my house? the only rule is no pink....

MilkMaid said...

Ah you are a freaking artist. And..after Janie's house, you can come paint mine? LOL..and Needles was another excellent ride.

You are killing me with all these pictures Wayne...

Silver said...

sure Jane. Will you teach me how to drink beer?

MM.....I'll paint your house after drinking with Jane.

jungle jane said...

right-ho deal. might as well kill two birds with one stone and also reach you how to smoke bucket bongs, eh?

Silver said...

wow.........bongs and beer, not much painting going to be done.