4 Dead in Afghan Protests Over Drawings
By AMIR SHAH, Associated Press Writer
2 hours ago
KABUL, Afghanistan - Police shot four protesters to death Wednesday to stop hundreds from marching on a southern U.S. military base, as Islamic organizations called for an end to deadly rioting across the Muslim world over drawings of the Prophet Muhammad.
Please explain to me why they marched against the US when the Danes are the one's responsible for the cartoon?
We can start our own wars without anyone else's help thank you!!!!
They sound a bit heated. give them cartoons of Jessica Rabbit and have them focus on different hot and bothered energy....
Or cartoons of 12 virgins.
I haven't kept up with much of this, so....this isn't a cartoon from an American asshole and we are STILL shit for it?
Times like these, I lean more towards packing up our troops WORLD WIDE and coming home and locking the door behind us.
MM...nope, the cartoon was from someone in the Netherlands.
I agree with your view on the troops. Bring them home, lock the doors and protect our borders. Keep everyone out that isn't here already..........cept for Jane, she's welcome anytime!!!
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