Does anyone really give a shit about who plays in the Super Bowl if it isn't "their" team. I for 1 don't.
1st of all, the hype leading up to this for 2 weeks is like having a steak driven through your eyeball.
2nd, at work today no one talked about the game, only the commercials.
3rd, in this land of free speech, the Rolling Stones were edited, WTF?
I had a more enjoyable time watching Lion King 1.5 then watching a game I didn't give a shit about.
This is funny Wayne..Tyler taped the entire game and then sat and ff'd thru the GAME to watch all the commercials...twice.
I don't do football anyway, so..no big deal to me.
Your new picture...YOU HAVE ALL THAT HAIR!!! Looks great too btw. :)
I actually watched a bit of it. Seems like quite a spectacle. I love the Stoned performance but don't get the editing either.
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