Thursday, May 17, 2007

Black Out

Sooooooooooo, I went to the hospital yesterday for some test.

They needed to do a Blood Gas test. Oh boy, doesn't that sound like fun? During this little test just sticking a needle in your veins is not good enough, noooooooooooo, "we have to get the blood from your arteries, and then you breath pure oxygen for 15 minutes, and then we stick you with the needle again, in your arteries"

Well, that mother fucking needle goes in, past all known veins down into the artery and oingo bongo, out comes the blood, in theory. Not me. Let's stick the needle in, not find the artery, and wait a few minutes and try again!!!!!

In the mean time, I get light-headed, get up to go back to the waiting area, and all of a sudden my legs get wobbly, everything slows down, and BAM, down I go.
I hear the blood-sucker yell "code blue." My wife freaks because she only knows code blue as "get help, this m f'er is dying"

I awake after only a few seconds of empty brain syndrome, and there are 20 people standing there staring @ me. I ask what are we celebrating and where's the cake? They call for a stretcher to take me to the emergency room for tests. After drawing 3 viels of blood (from my vein) I lay ther for 3 hours waiting for the test results............3 HOURS!!!!!!!. It doesn't take that long to process a dead body. I ask the nurse if I can leave and he says sure,I can leave anytime I want.
He gets the doctor who of course advises against it, not because she's worried about me, but because of the liability factor. I say in my deepest manly voice, "I don't care, I leaving" She runs and gets a waver form for me to sign, and I'm off. Of course I'm not off to leave the hospital, I have to see another doctor!!!!
The day could not have ended soon enough!!!!!

How was your day?


MilkMaid said...

HOLY SHIT...better take care of yourself Wayne, we aren't spring chickens anymore yanno?

jungle jane said...

lordy me, wayne. men are SUCH sissies! just because you had a needle the size of a hose drilled through the length of your body twice and sucking out all your blood seems a bit of a lame reason to go all feint...

Silver said...

MM........I'm still young, or so the OL says. She tells me all the time I act like such a child.

Jane, what can I say? I'm a wimp

jungle jane said...

Girl's blouse!
Girl's blouse!