Wednesday, December 28, 2005

I'm not crazy

Crowded Roads

Rode the motorcycle to work today. 30* when I left the house, but I dressed properly for the ride, facemask, heavy ski gloves, layers upon layers, wool socks, so it wasn't bad at all.
Have to take advantage of these rare nice winter days in NJ. Supposed to get to 50*, so the ride home will be nice.
Strange looks from people on the way in, and people at work don't understand the concept of "I'm a motorcycle rider", therefore I ride whenever I can. Not everyone is a fortunate as MM and live in the south with warm weather most of the year.
I guess the old adage is true "If I have to explain you wouldn't understand"


anna said...

usually, I am joyful
my family drags me under
read again in two weeks, and it will be more cheerful

savagefredd said...

No, you are definitely f-in' crazy.
I just wanted to get back to you about your response to my Tookie posting because I think you missed my point and invite you to think more deeply about the issue at stake (read the posting beneath it).
I'm not defending this man's actions (though neither you or I know what actually happened, so it's a little silly to argue about his crime); rather, I'm talking more about the reaction from the general public (you included) to this man's evolution as a human being [LIKE "GETTING" THAT VIOLENCE IS BULLSHIT and sharing that with his community, a community that he helped destroy by founding the Crips].
This whole story is a metaphor for the direction we are heading in as a country. How can we live in a free society if we are not allowed to change? If our attempts to change, to open ourselves, are met mostly with violent opposition, distrust, and cynicism.
If you feel satisfied by his death, that's your deal. You can think whatever you want.
Personally, I feel like we're selling this country short (or maybe you don't care about that???)

MilkMaid said...

Hey Wayno, while I laugh and point at those brave enough to ride in less than perfect weather, I DO get it.

Bad thing about so much good weather, is there is never a good time to take the bikes down for any repairs.

MilkMaid said...

And...I'm not gonna go read this guys post about Tookie, cuz I'm having a decent day. Like the day was when they fried that m'fer's sorry ass.

MilkMaid said...

I lied.

I couldn't stand it.

Me Crabby said...

You tell me to close my legs, but you'll be thinking about me next time you're with your wife... or your hand.