Damn, another year down the tubes.
It's not supposed to be going by this fast. I need more time. I have lots of things to do, places to see, people to meet.
It was a good year though. The house has been sided. Got a new pool and hot tub. New pup has joined the family. Went to Sturgis again. Got another tattoo, yes they are addicting. Planning my next 1 now. I get tattoo's that have meaning to me. Not 1 for tribal, or chinese letters.
Kitchen isn't done yet, but I need to have something for the wife to yell about!!! She's been good though, and I want to get it done so I can say I've accomplished something.
Hopefully I'll be heading to Myrtle Beach for the rally in May. Can't wait to see some friends that I haven't seen in quite some time.
Grandson is walking, another reminder of how fast time goes. Next he'll be talking, and then graduating high school..........lol.
That's it in a nutshell. Hope your last year went well, and wish best of luck in the coming year.